iklankan produkmu

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013


                Tumbuhan adalah salahsatu makhluk hidup yang mendiami bumi,dengan kerajaannya yang diberi nama plantae.Tumbuhan tidak pernah lepas berperan di bumi ini,karena dia adalah satu satunya makhluk autrotrof (yang dapat membuat makanan sendiri).Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa setiap makhluk hidup tersusun atas sel,dan sekumpulan sel yang sama dan melakukan fungsi yang sama pula disebut jaringan,ilmu yang mempelajari jaringan dinamakan histologi.Berikut uraiannya:
                Jaringan tumbuhan dibagi menjadi dua yaitu
1.       Jaringan meristem
Disebut juga dengan jaringan muda,ialah jaringan yang sel sel nya selalu membelah.Jaringan dibedakan menjadi 2  macam berdasarkan asal usulnya yaitu:
v  Meristem primer ,adalah meristem yang terdapat di ujung akar dan di ujung btang dan terbentuknya saat embrio.
v  Meristem sekunder,adalah meristem yang hanya terdapat pada tumbuhan dikotil ,karena di dalam batangnya terdapat kambium .Yang melakukan pembelahan sel (pertumbuhan),disebut juga pertumbuhan sekunder.
Berdasarkan posisinya pula jaringan meristem dibedakan menjadi:
·         Meristem apikal terdapat di ujung pucuk utama,pucuk lateral,dan ujung akar.
·         Meristem interkalar terdapat diantara jaringan dewasa,contohnya pada pangkal ruas tumbuhan anggota famili rumput rumputan.
·         Meristem lateral berada sejajar dengan permukaan tempat ditemukannya ,contoh kambium serta kambium gabus /felogen.
2.       Jaringan dewasa
Jaringan ini berasal dari perkembangan jaringan muda yang telah melalui spesialisasi dan diferensiasi.jaringan dewasa mempunyai sifat sifat diantaranya:
1)      Tidak mempunyai aktivitas untuk memperbanyak diri
2)      Mempunyai ukuran yang lebih besar dibanding jaringan meristem
3)      Mempunyai valuola besar
4)      Kadang kadang selnya telah mati
5)      Selnya telah mengalami penebalan dinding sesuai dengan fungsi masing masing
6)      Antar sel selnya dijumpai ruang antar sel
Berdasarkan fungsinya jaringan dewasa dibagi menjadi 4 macam:
a)      Jaringan epidermis (pelindung)
Adalah lapisan sel yang berada paling luar ,berfungsi untuk melindungi bagian dalam tumbuhan dari segala pengaruh dari luar yang dapat merugikan pertumbuhannya . Sel selnya berbentuk balok dan rapat yang berhubungan satu dengan lainnya. Jaringan ini umumnya tak berklorofil,kecuali pada daun paku.Karena berada di bagian paling luar epidermis ini mengalami modifikasi antara lain:trichoma(bulu akar),duri batang(spina),sel kipas(dekat stomata).
b)      Jaringan parenkim (dasar)
Disebut jaringan dasar karena  jaringan ini yang banyak banyak ditemui hampir disetiap bagian tumbuhan. Jaringan ini berguna untuk menyimpan cadangan makanan ,dan sel selnya dapat berubah menjadi meristematik.Jaringan parenkim tersusun atas sel sel yang berdinding tipis,dan vakuola yang besar(rongga sel).,dan terdapat ruang antar sel. Jaringan parenkim pada daun, dibagi menjadi 2 macam:
                                                         i.            Parenkim palisade(pagar/tiang),parenkim yang mempunyai klorofil sehingga menjadi tempat berlangsungnya fotosintesis.
                                                       ii.            Parenkim spons(parenkim bunga karang),adalah parenkim yang berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan hasil fotosintesis.
Sedangkan parenkim pada batang dan akar terdapat parenkim kayu dan parenkim kulit.Di dalam parenkim kulit sering dijumpai sel sel yang memiliki klorofil yang disebut kolenkim.
c)       Jaringanpenyongkong (penunjang)
Suatu jaringan yang mempunyai  fungsi  untuk mengokohkan dan menegakkan tubuh tumbuhan.jaringan ini meliputi:
·         Jaringan kolenkim,jaringan ini mengalami penebalan dari selulosa terutama pada bagian sudutnya.Kolenkim berperan untuk menguatkan batang muda yang sedang tumbuh pada tangkai daun. Jaringan kolenkim memiliki protoplas, dan biasanya tidak mempunyai dinding sekunder , tetapi mempunyai sel primer yang lebih tebal daripada sel parenkim.
·         Jaringan sklerenkim,jaringan yang sel sel nya merata dan mengalami penebalan oleh zat lignin (zat kayu) dan memiliki sifat kuat. Sklerenkim dibagi menjadi 2 macam yaitu ,serat(sel panjang)dan sel batu(selnya pendek)
d)      Jaringan pengangkut
Pada jaringan ini hanya terdapat 2 macam yaitu:
1)      Jaringan xilem disebut juga pembuluh kayu
Berfungsi untuk mengangkut air dan mineral dari dalam tanah menuju ke daun.komponen penyusunya disebut trakeida.
2)      Jaringan floem disebut juga pembuluh tapis
Berfungsi untuk mengangkut sari sari makanan hasil fotosintesis ke seluruh tubuh tumbuhan tersebut.komponen penyusunnya adalah sel ayakan/tapisan.
Persatuan antara xilem dan floem ini membentuk ikatan/fasis,yang dapat dibedakan menjadi
v  Tipe kolateral adalah apabila xilem dan floem letaknya berdampingan.Terdapat dua macam dalam tipe ini,yaitu :
1.tipe kolateral terbukajika antara xilem dan floem terdapat kambium,contoh pada tumbuhan Gymnospermae.
2. tipe kolateral tertutup(jika antara xilem dan floem tidak dijumpai kambium,contoh pada Monocotyledoneae.
v  Tipe kosentris,adalah berkas pengangkut dimana xilem dikelilingi floem atau sebaliknya.Tipe ini dibagi menjadi dua:
1)Tipe kosentris amfrikribal,dimana xilem berada ditengah dan floem mengelilinginya.
2)Tipe kosentris amfivasal,dimana floem berada ditengah dan xilem mengelilinginya.
v  Tipe bikolateral,keadaan xilem diapit oleh floem disebelah luar dan dalam (floem,xilem,floem)
v  Tipe radial dimana letak xilem dan floem berselang seling secara radial(melingkar).


Laptop as Student’s Friends
Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get better understanding.
Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction.
After that the laptop will be delivered to the students’ houses. That is really easy and save time and money. From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provides several laptop types . Students just need to decide which type they really need.

1.      What the type in the text?
Analytical exposition
2.      What the topic discussed in the text above?
Laptop as Student’s Friends
3.      What need student’s in multimedia era?
Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily (laptop).
4.      Why modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge?
because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum.
5.      What is sinonym appropriate?
6.      What is antonym difficult?
7.      “…not difficult as it was.”(parg.3).the word”it” in the sentence refers to…
8.      According to the text,how can students get a laptop?
By buying it in an onlin shop.
9.      What discussed in last paragraph?
Suggest bring laptop to student’s
10.  “Consequently students need extra media cover the subject”.Translate in indonesian language…
Akibatnya siswa membutuhkan media tambahan mencakup subjek

The Importance of Education
 I personally think that education is very important for us as Indonesian teenager who will take over values, good morals, culture and knowledge. We also bring the future of Indonesia nation in the middle of world global civilization.
The condition of education in Indonesia is terrible. Why do I say that? In fact, there are many regions that have not been reached by good education. If the condition is going like this, I am sure it is difficult for Indonesia to be a prosperous country. How can it be? As we all know, a prosperous country must have a good basic education, because by having good education, people will get job easily, good life. Due to this reason, it makes the country prosperous.
To improve education system in Indonesia, the government has tried to provide education evenly to all part of Indonesian and to apply suitable education system that can make people clever and civilized. So, Indonesian can life better in this modern and sophisticated era. By the existence of education in our country, we will be able to reach the degree of knowledge or science. Besides, the Indonesian human resources will be equal with people in all around the world.
In short, it is obvious that as young Indonesian generation, education is very important.
1)      What does the text tell us about?
The Importance of Education
2)      What purpose in the text?
To persuade readers that something is the case
3)      Why the writer think education very important for Indonesian teenager?
Because they are bring the future of Indonesia nation in the middle of world global civilization.
4)      What effort Indonesian to provide education?
The government has tried to provide education evenly to all part of Indonesian and to apply suitable education system that can make people clever and civilized
5)      Give me generic stucture in the text
Thesis: paragraph 1
Arguments: paragraph 2 and 3
Reiretation : paragraph 4
6)      Why the writer argument , The condition of education in Indonesia is terrible?
Because In fact, there are many regions that have not been reached by good education. If the condition is going like this, I am sure it is difficult for Indonesia to be a prosperous country.
7)      How can be it makes the country prosperous?
A prosperous country must have a good basic education, because by having good education, people will get job easily, good life
8)      What is present in the text?
Simple present tense
9)      What the conclude in the text?
In short, it is obvious that as young Indonesian generation, education is very important.
10)  What synonym existence?

Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

pembahasan soal

Laptop as Student’s Friends
Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book, ruler and such other stuff. Additionally, in this multimedia era, students need more to reach their progressive development. Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily. Of course it will need more cost but it will deserve for its function.
First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum. Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method. Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every student’s desk, this method will help student to get better understanding.
Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online shopping. The students just need to brows that online shop, decide which computer or laptop they need, and then complete the transaction.
After that the laptop will be delivered to the students’ houses. That is really easy and save time and money. From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the best result for their study. Buying laptop online is advisable because it will cut the price. This online way is recommended since online shop also provides several laptop types . Students just need to decide which type they really need.

1.      What the type in the text?
Analytical exposition
2.      What the topic discussed in the text above?
Laptop as Student’s Friends
3.      What need student’s in multimedia era?
Students need mobile keyboards to record every presented subject easily (laptop).
4.      Why modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge?
because the school needs to catch the target of curriculum.
5.      What is sinonym appropriate?
6.      What is antonym difficult?
7.      “…not difficult as it was.”(parg.3).the word”it” in the sentence refers to…
8.      According to the text,how can students get a laptop?
By buying it in an onlin shop.
9.      What discussed in last paragraph?
Suggest bring laptop to student’s
10.  “Consequently students need extra media cover the subject”.Translate in indonesian language…
Akibatnya siswa membutuhkan media tambahan mencakup subjek

The Importance of Education
 I personally think that education is very important for us as Indonesian teenager who will take over values, good morals, culture and knowledge. We also bring the future of Indonesia nation in the middle of world global civilization.
The condition of education in Indonesia is terrible. Why do I say that? In fact, there are many regions that have not been reached by good education. If the condition is going like this, I am sure it is difficult for Indonesia to be a prosperous country. How can it be? As we all know, a prosperous country must have a good basic education, because by having good education, people will get job easily, good life. Due to this reason, it makes the country prosperous.
To improve education system in Indonesia, the government has tried to provide education evenly to all part of Indonesian and to apply suitable education system that can make people clever and civilized. So, Indonesian can life better in this modern and sophisticated era. By the existence of education in our country, we will be able to reach the degree of knowledge or science. Besides, the Indonesian human resources will be equal with people in all around the world.
In short, it is obvious that as young Indonesian generation, education is very important.
1)      What does the text tell us about?
The Importance of Education
2)      What purpose in the text?
To persuade readers that something is the case
3)      Why the writer think education very important for Indonesian teenager?
Because they are bring the future of Indonesia nation in the middle of world global civilization.
4)      What effort Indonesian to provide education?
The government has tried to provide education evenly to all part of Indonesian and to apply suitable education system that can make people clever and civilized
5)      Give me generic stucture in the text
Thesis: paragraph 1
Arguments: paragraph 2 and 3
Reiretation : paragraph 4
6)      Why the writer argument , The condition of education in Indonesia is terrible?
Because In fact, there are many regions that have not been reached by good education. If the condition is going like this, I am sure it is difficult for Indonesia to be a prosperous country.
7)      How can be it makes the country prosperous?
A prosperous country must have a good basic education, because by having good education, people will get job easily, good life
8)      What is present in the text?
Simple present tense
9)      What the conclude in the text?
In short, it is obvious that as young Indonesian generation, education is very important.
10)  What synonym existence?
penulisan dari berbagai sumber